HubSpot Integration

CG Elite offers a simple integration with HubSpot to enable you to send eGifts directly from HubSpot without the need to log in to your CG Elite account.

CG Elite offers a simple integration with HubSpot to enable you to send eGifts directly from HubSpot without the need to log in to your CG Elite account.


Before setting up the connection, please make sure your account success manager has enabled this solution for you, and set you up with products you want to send through HubSpot.


To start the integration, you must first be logged in to both your account on / CG Elite and your Hubspot account in the same browser.


Once logged in to your CG Elite account, go this url:


You will see the following page. Click "Install now": 

Screenshot at Sep 21 22-53-47

After clicking Install Now, you will see from the Settings page Connect to HubSpot. 

Screenshot at Sep 21 22-54-05

Clicking Connect to HubSpot will take you to your HubSpot account. You will then need to select which HubSpot account you wish to connect. Select the one you want to use for sending eGifts:

Screenshot at Sep 21 22-54-29

After choosing the account, you will be taken to a page where you need to confirm you want to share information with Scroll down and click "Connect App" :

Screenshot at Sep 21 22-55-18

After connecting you will be redirected back to CG Elite and you should see the app ID in your account. This mean you are all done and ready to send eGifts from HubSpot!

Screenshot at Sep 21 23-00-38

In HubSpot, when you click on a contact, you will see a new section called "Gift History" which you can use for sending eGifts:

Screenshot at Sep 21 23-02-40


When you click the Send E-Gift button, you will see a popup with your available products:


Screenshot at Sep 21 23-03-41


Click "Send" on the desired gift and fill the required info:

Screenshot at Sep 21 23-03-55

After adding the required info, click Send. You will see a success confirmation message on the top:

Screenshot at Sep 21 23-04-43


When you go to the gift history when viewing a contact, you will be able to see the gift sent and status of it, in the gift history box:

Screenshot at Sep 21 23-09-01

Happy gifting!